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Les mises à jour à venir pour Funkwhale :)
Here is an exemple that download all the playable tracks from your pod that match the solar query to the /tmp/testmusic directory (it has to exists beforehand):
funkwhale tracks ls --ids --limit=100000000 --filter="playable=true&q=solar" | xargs funkwhale tracks download -i 500 --overwrite -d /tmp/testmusic
you can omit the --overwrite flag if you don't want the command to overwrite files with the same name on disk (in which case it will exit and raise an error when such a case happens to avoid erasing some of your files)
The first part of the command grabs the ids, the second part of the commnd downloads the corresponding tracks
To be used with the funkwhale CLI: https://docs.funkwhale.audio/cli/index.html
From the funkwhale-troubleshooting Matrix room: #funkwhale-troubleshooting:matrix.org
Appel à l'aide ! :)
Et bravo à Agate pour tout son travail pendant 5 années !