Quotidien Shaarli

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July 23, 2021

Vous aussi, contribuez en ligne à des biens communs ! - TkPx - Médiation Numérique - Tiers-Lieu Ephemere

Un petit guide pour contribuer aux ressources libres, les biens communs

Par ici la monnaie ! [58 min]

Quelles sont les origines de la monnaie ? En quoi symbolise-t-elle une question de contrôle et de confiance ? Comment sont nés les banques et les marchés financiers ? De quelle manière le concept des cryptomonnaies est-il en rupture avec celui de la monnaie classique ?

Open Weather Station - the arduino open source weather station

The Open Weather Station (OWS) is a do-it-yourself weather station solution that aims to be affordable, stable, easy to build and tested in the wild. Measure, monitor, store months of data and send it to your server as well as Wunderground, Thingspeak, Windguru or OpenWeatherMap via Wifi or GPRS/GSM/4G. It evolved from other approaches I have been testing and using in the field since late 2012 to this day

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piCorePlayer - a complete audiosystem

Free software that plays local music as well as online music streaming services on a Raspberry Pi

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badaix/snapcast: Synchronous multiroom audio player

Snapcast is a multiroom client-server audio player, where all clients are time synchronized with the server to play perfectly synced audio. It's not a standalone player, but an extension that turns your existing audio player into a Sonos-like multiroom solution.

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